Charlotte, NC Concrete Patio and Deck Expansion Project

Our client asked us to expand their concrete patio, add a wood deck that could be flush with their patio and wanted a wood and concrete mixed feel. Also included was a wood and concrete bench with an electrical outlet. The clients finished the patio off with nice outdoor furniture turning this small concrete patio into a nice backyard living space.
In the first picture after the Before Picture is a sky shot of an overall view of the New Deck. It is ground level and a stained wood deck alongside a concrete patio. The patio is anchored by a concrete piered and modern L shaped looking bench seat. The new deck is stained with high end Sikkins stain.
The following picture then highlights the wood deck part of the project showing how we picture framed the boarder to shadow some of the highlight boarder of the clients modern wood table. It too is stained with Sikkins stain for a long lasting new look.
The rest of the pictures above are just different angles showing both the wood deck noted along with the concrete patio for a modern wood and concrete mixed look. Notice the straight line look on the L shaped bench with solid concrete corner piers. All stained to match the clients existing patio table.
JAG Construction is a Remodeling Contractor here to service all your needs, from Outdoor Living including the new deck above, or a New Porch, or we can come inside for Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling.